Insecticides and pesticides for plants
Insecticides and pesticides for plants

insecticides and pesticides for plants

Spraying should be done on the entire plant so that no part of the product remains free. The resulting liquid, after straining, is introduced into a container with spray to be applied on the plants. Most of these products are made by infusions, decoctions or macerations of pesticide plants in water. Tobacco plant is also used for its toxic and insecticidal properties.

insecticides and pesticides for plants

Tomato plant is planted together with the cruciferous crops to eliminate the cabbage fly. With all this it is not uncommon for this plant to be used to ecologically combat aphids or red spiders. But, it also contains 5 insecticidal components and 11 insectifuge components. It contains 24 fungicide components, among which are allicin, ajoene, caffeic acid chlorogenic, salicylic, coumaric, selenium, etc). Thus, for example, garlic( Allium sativum) is widely used to combat many pests and diseases of plants. Others have fungicidal properties (able to eliminate fungi) or fungistatic properties (able to prevent their development by not allowing them to reproduce) Many plants are also capable of eliminating many plant diseases since they contain principles with bactericidal properties (bacteria-eliciting) or bacteriostatic properties (able to prevent the development of bacteria by avoiding their reproduction).

insecticides and pesticides for plants

Types of insecticide plants for pests and plants diseases Tomato plant can be a good ecological remedy to avoid cabbages being attacked by cabbage flyĪt home level there are many effective remedies: It is better not to use chemical pesticides because they are very toxic. How to use insecticide plants to treat plants diseases and plagues? Why not to use chemical pesticides?

  • 1.5 Treatment against garden pests with garlic.
  • 1.4 Are plant-based pesticide dangerous products?.
  • 1.3 How are plant-based pesticides made?.
  • 1.2 Types of insecticide plants for pests and plants diseases.
  • 1.1 Why not to use chemical pesticides?.
  • 1 How to use insecticide plants to treat plants diseases and plagues?.

  • Insecticides and pesticides for plants